Swag Journal, featuring 24 pages of photography and illustration by artists from Vancouver, New York, Belgium and Paris. Printed in a run of 1000 copies. size 22.5 x 16.5 inch, black and white on newsprint.
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I had been arguing with my close friend on this issue for quite a while, base on your ideas prove that I am right, let me show him your webpage then I am sure it must make him buy me a drink, lol, thanks.
how are you I was luck to discover your subject in digg your Topics is terrific I learn a lot in your blog really thank your very much btw the theme of you blog is really exceptional where can find it
hey your blog design is very nice, clean and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.
- Mark
I had been arguing with my close friend on this issue for quite a while, base on your ideas prove that I am right, let me show him your webpage then I am sure it must make him buy me a drink, lol, thanks.
- Lora
how are you I was luck to discover your subject in digg
your Topics is terrific
I learn a lot in your blog really thank your very much
btw the theme of you blog is really exceptional
where can find it
Thank you for the great information! I would not have discovered this otherwise!.
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